TIP SHEET: Namibia
When to go: May-October Immigration and Visas: Visitors don’t need a visa to stay up to 90 days, however, business travel does require a visa. Always verify the latest requirements three months before leaving...
When to go: May-October Immigration and Visas: Visitors don’t need a visa to stay up to 90 days, however, business travel does require a visa. Always verify the latest requirements three months before leaving...
Travel Advice for Seniors: Namibia: While Namibia may not be on everyone’s safari list, it was a very special diversion from our main safari trip to Botswana and one that we thoroughly enjoyed. Namibia...
Travel Advice for Seniors: Sossevlei The Sossevlei is a uniquely beautiful place. It is in the Namib desert along the Atlantic coast of Namibia. It is a stark departure from the lush safari grounds...