The internet is certainly convenient, but it also comes with its share of scammers and safety issues. It is a great place to do trip research, but I always like to book with a human being if possible. With some tours/trips this is not possible, but if it is possible, I prefer it simply because you know you are at the right company, can get your questions answered and can ask for things like additional discounts, preferential payment terms and important questions like which area of the boat has less wave action, which side of the plane is better to see the Sydney Harbor Bridge and may I get a refrigerator and coffee service in my room?
If you are booking online, be certain that you are at the correct website for the company in which you want to book. A lot of websites will have “sponsored ad” at the heading before you select it from a search and these will likely NOT be the direct company website. I accidentally booked at one of these where the sponsored ad vendor sounded almost exactly like the hotel. I found out later I could’ve saved $300 by booking direct with the hotel.
I meet a lot of seniors who don’t want to buy anything on line for fear of their credit card info being out there. I’ve never had a problem with this and you shouldn’t worry about it. The parts of the company website that accept credit cards are separately secured and should have a padlock symbol by them on the menu bar when you go to them. If they do not or don’t inform you that you are being switched to a secure page, leave the site. If you are dead set against charging anything on the internet, perhaps you can ask your friend or relative to help you. I do all of the internet shopping for my Mom and I’m happy to do it.
Finally, when you do book something on line, expect a confirming email right away or at least the next day. If you don’t get one, contact the company and ask if your information went through. Remember, if you pay by credit card, you can challenge the charge if you feel it was made in error and if the charging company is not reachable. Further, make sure that you check your credit card for the correct amount charged.
BIG SAFETY TIP: Don’t post photos of yourself on vacation on Facebook or other social media! No need to let anyone except your friend who is watching the house or your friendly neighbor know you will be out of town. Criminals do watch the internet and your home may be a target if they know you are gone.
Also, keep in mind that a picture of you in all your senior beauty may trigger unsavory scammers to try to contact you with hard luck stories of with professions of love. You may think this doesn’t happen, but it certainly does. Keep the creeps at bay and keep your business to yourself. By all means, post some pictures AFTER your return!