There are some items that arguably should be left at home. As I’ve noted before, we like to blend in as much as possible, even though we have been told that Americans can be easy to spot because of how they carry themselves! Nonetheless, it is certainly worth a try as we have also been mistaken for locals in several destinations.
For maximum safety and enjoyability on your trip leave the expensive jewelry at home. Your jewelry may set you up as a target and that big ring surely means you have money to spare to give to vendors and others more desperate. Also, several boutique hotels we have stayed at in the past do not have safes in the room.
I can spot Americans while on holiday a mile away. Slogan T-shirts, cargo shorts and flip flops, usually with a loud voice and attitude. I once heard an American woman ask a shopkeeper “how much is this in REAL money?”, meaning American dollars. Don’t be this person.
For a long plane ride, you may want to take a comfortable travel pillow, foot sling or headphones. I don’t take these items as they take up too much room and I don’t want to have to keep up with them during the trip after the flight is over, also, I don’t need the extra weight. However, I do take lightweight earplugs and a lightweight facemask.
Water container, shampoo, conditioner and body soap can also be left at home. Most hotels will have toiletries and you can pick up a bottled water at the local market and reuse the container over and over again while traveling.
Unless you are going to a special event, leave your fancy apparel or outfits that can only be worn once at home. The best gauge of if you have taken too much is to take a look after you get home at what you wore frequently and what you didn’t wear at all and remember it for your next trip.
Lastly and most importantly, leave your entitled attitude at home. Open your mind to new places, new experiences and new faces. LEARN. You can’t learn anything if you think you already know it all!