When to go: June – August
Immigration and Visas: Visas are required for US citizens. It is impossible to obtain an entry visa upon arrival, so travelers must apply for their visas well in advance. Right now, the US State Department has issued a “Level 4 – Do not Travel” alert to Russia. Always verify the latest requirements three months before leaving to make sure nothing has changed.
Accessibility Information: Russia is not known for accessibility. Moscow does have some accessible pathways, and high-end hotels are usually accessible. Some tours are available that specialize in accessibility, but most areas are not accessible.
Language: Russian
Etiquette: Men are expected to be gentlemanly, help ladies with doors and carrying packages, etc. Respect the lady of the house, always shake hands without gloves on, remove your shoes upon entering a home, don’t smile at strangers. Avoid politics.
Electrical Adapters: Type C and F
Embassy: Moscow and two Consulates in Vladivostok and Yekaterinburg
Emergencies: 112
Currency: Russian ruble
Transportation: Rail and bus. Subway in cities
Tipping Info: 10% generally. $5-10 USD for a tour guide.